Saturday, May 28, 2011

Giant water bug

BBC Nature - Giant water bug photographed devouring baby turtle
"Americans also refer to them as "toe-biters" because they have been known to bite unsuspecting swimmers"
SEE? This is exactly why I get freaked out swimming in *any* body of water.

Bait and Switch

I can't be the only one who finds an ad's image catches their eye and then can't locate that item on the website, right? So irritating!  The offending ad:
However, I *will* give Nordstrom's kudos for using "Plus Size" models. I can't recall the last time I used their website thus it was a nice surprise.


I thought I'd start posting much of the "excess" content I usually dump on Facebook here instead. We'll see how it goes. I'm a fickle creature and get bored easily so who knows how long this experiment will last... Enjoy it while you can!